

左卫民 省级统管地方法院法官任用改革审思———基于实证考察的分析

日期:2020-06-23 来源: 作者:admin

Reflections on the System of Unified Control by Provincial Court over the Appointment of Judges in District Courts
中文关键词: 地方法院  法官任用  省级统管
英文关键词: district court  appointment of judges  unified control by provincial courts
作者 单位
左卫民  四川大学法学院 
摘要点击次数: 123
全文下载次数: 267

      In practice, China has developed a unique institutional mechanism for the appointment of judges in district courts. The substantive decision-making power over the appointment of vast majority of judges is controlled by the internal court and Party leadership group at the same level, while the authorities outside the court and higher-level courts are only involved in the appointment of court's leadership. The appointment standards mainly focus on professionalism, but also include leadership ability. With respect to the appointment procedure, a diversified and limited competitive appointment pattern has been developed. From the perspective of effects, this appointment mechanism is fairly economic and usually able to select the judges and court leaders with certain professional and leadership capacities. However, it also has relatively obvious problems. The formation of this institutional mechanism is primarily related to the holistic cadre appointment system and the process of judicial construction in China. Viewed as a whole, the current reform of provincial court's unified control over the appointment of judges in district courts is able to solve to a certain extent the problems of “localism” or even “mountain-stronghold mentality” and “protectionism” in the appointment of judges (presidents) of district courts, but may have the deficiencies of relatively low information-gathering capability and high appointment cost. “Limited centralization and hierarchical authorization” is an effective reform strategy that can both solve the above problems and give consideration to the basic starting point of the reform of the mechanism for the appointment of judges in district courts.

全文详见 http://cbimg.cnki.net/Editor/2015/0924/zgfx/f2b4f502-2449-41de-b1fe-11692258e003.pdf
