


日期:2018-12-18 来源: 作者:admin




(中国人民大学法学院,北京 1000872


摘 要: 民事司法鉴定意见在现代型民事诉讼中发挥着越来越不可替代的作用,然而由于立法的缺失以及司法实践中法官自身知识的局限性,民事司法活动中鉴定意见的评价效果一直备受诟病。解决这一困境的重要方法就是尽快确立统一化和科学化的鉴定意见评价规范体系,通过完善鉴定人、当事人和法官对民事司法鉴定意见进行评价的配套制度及评价规则,使民事司法鉴定意见发挥其应有的科学证据的作用。

关键词: 民事诉讼;鉴定意见;证据能力;证明力

中图分类号: DF72DF8  文献标志码: A  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2072.2018.03.001

文章编号: 1671-2072-201803-0001-09


Evaluation Mechanism of Civil Judicial Appraisal Opinions

TANG Wei-jian, XU Xiao-xiong

(Law School, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China)

Abstract: The opinions of civil judicial appraisal play an increasingly irreplaceable role in modern civil lawsuits. However, due to the lack of legislation and the limitation of judges' own knowledge in judicial practice, the evaluation effect of appraisal opinions in civil judicial activities has been criticized. An important method to solve this problem is to establish a unified and scientific evaluation system for evaluation of appraisal opinions as soon as possible, and to improve the supporting system and evaluation rules for civil judicial appraisal opinions by appraisers, litigants and judges so that civil judicial appraisal opinions can play the role that scientific evidence should have.

Keywords: civil lawsuit; appraisal opinion; evidence ability; probative force







—— 以医疗损害责任案件为切入点



(国家法官学院,北京 101100


摘 要: 证在法庭、辩在法庭、判在法庭是庭审中心主义的核心要义。对专家辅助人制度而言,其在诉讼中发挥作用的场域也仅限于庭审中在专业性事实问题上对当事人提供帮助。2015年《民诉法解释》对该制度做出了进一步完善,制度完善的效果需要实践来检验。以医疗损害责任案件为切入点,通过对相关案例的研究发现,司法实践中专家辅助人制度运行中的问题主要集中在制度启动、专家资格审查和专家辅助人意见采信三个方面。而上述问题的解决,需通过对专家辅助人权、责、义等具体规定的完善来实现;也需通过对法官释明权,裁判文书说理及加强制度的宣传等外部制度予以保障。

关键词: 专家辅助人;鉴定意见;证据采信

中图分类号: DF8  文献标志码: A  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2072.2018.03.002

文章编号: 1671-2072-201803-0010-10


An Empirical Study of the Expert Assistant System in Court-centered Model

 from the Perspective of Medical Damage Liability Cases

YANG Xiao-li

(National Judges College, Beijing 101100, China)

Abstract: Providing evidence to court, arguing in court and judging by court are the essence of making courts as the center of litigation. For the expert assistant system, its field is the court where it helps the parties regarding professional factual issues. The Interpretation of the Civil Procedure Law of 2015 further improved the system, whereas its effectiveness depends on the efficient practice at various levels of courts. Taking medical malpractice cases as the starting point, through the study of relevant cases, it is found that the main problems are concentrated on those three aspects: initiation of the system, review of expert qualification and the acceptance of expert assistants' opinions. To solve the above problems, it is necessary to stipulate the expert assistants' rights, duties and responsibilities, which should in turn be assured by making clear the right of interpretation by judges, improving the reasoning of the rulings and promoting the publicity of the system.

Keywords: expert assistant; appraisal opinions; acceptance of evidence











金雷霆1,李 2

1.华东政法大学,上海 200042 2.上海徐汇区人民法院,上海 200031


摘 要: 专家证言是对发生在既往的其他证据资料进行现实加工之后的成果,与其他证据相比具有一定的独特性。美国专家证言制度经过200年的发展,形成了一套完整的、系统性的规则。通过对美国专家证言采信规则的形成与发展中的“弗莱伊”规则、“道伯特”规则等判例法规则和联邦证据规则立法的分析,对我国鉴定意见的采信规则的完善提出建议。尤其在鉴定意见的实质性性审查方面,不仅应当建立详细的审查标准,而且应当在诉讼程序中建立与之相配套的制度,比如鉴定人强制出庭制度和庭前鉴定意见证据交换规则等。

关键词: 专家证言;鉴定意见;审查标准;采信规则

中图分类号: DF8  文献标志码: A  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2072.2018.02.003

文章编号: 1671-2072-201802-0020-08


The Admissibility of Testimony by Expert Witness in the United States

JIN Lei-ting1, LI Hong2

1. East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai 200042, China; 2. Peoples Court of Xuhui Shanghai, Shanghai 200031, China

Abstract Testimony by expert witnesses is a product of processing of evidence or data occurring in the past, therefore it has unique features compared with other kinds of evidence. After 200 years of development, the rules for expert testimony have come into a complete and systematic form. This article puts forward some suggestions to the rules for acceptance of judicial appraisal opinions in judicial practice by analyzing the standard of admitting expert evidence in cases in the United States, such as the Frye Rule, the Daubert Rule, and the federal rules of expert witnesses. In particular, much attention should be paid to the examination of the judicial appraisal opinions. To be specific, we should not only make detailed rules for examination, but also establish standards and relevant procedures, such as evidence exchange and compulsory court appearance by appraisers.

Keywords: expert testimony; appraisal opinions; standard of examination; admissibility of evidence








张钦廷,李豪喆,陈 琛,刘 

(司法鉴定科学研究院 上海市法医学重点实验室 上海市司法鉴定专业技术服务平台,上海 200063


摘 要: 当前中国吸毒问题形势严峻,与此同时,吸毒人员肇事肇祸多发,吸食毒品可能导致精神障碍。毒品所致精神障碍者的刑事责任能力及其鉴定问题成为我国法医精神病学研究中的重大、疑难问题。目前,毒品所致精神障碍者的刑事责任能力评定存在认识混乱,引发法庭精神病学界的重大关注,同时,毒品所致精神障碍准确诊断的问题,非常值得关注却又容易被忽视。本文在对文献进行回顾的基础上,结合鉴定实践,从毒品进入体内的认定、毒品与精神异常关系的认定、刑事责任能力评定的国内外比较等方面分析当前法医精神病学中毒品所致精神障碍诊断和刑事责任能力评定中存在的问题,并提出相应对策。

关键词: 法医精神病;毒品所致精神障碍;刑事责任能力

中图分类号: DF795.3  文献标志码: A  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2072.2018.03.004

文章编号: 1671-2072-201803-0028-11


Problems and Countermeasures of Criminal Responsibility Assessment

 of Offenders with Drug-induced Mental Disorders

ZHANG Qin-ting, LI Hao-zhe, CHEN Chen, LIU Chao

(Shanghai Key Laboratory of Forensic Medicine, Shanghai Forensic Service Platform, Academy of Forensic Science, Shanghai 200063, China)

Abstract: Currently, the situation of drug abuse is austere in China. At the same time, many dangerous behaviors are done by the drug users. Mental disorder may be induced by drugs. The criminal responsibility of the offenders with drug-induced mental disorders and its assessment become the main but difficult item in forensic psychiatry. Experts often have disagreement in evaluating the criminal responsibility of offenders with drug-induced mental disorders, partly because of the complexity of the establishment of diagnosis in the evaluation. Based on literature review and forensic practice, from the identification of drugs in body, the assertion of the relationship between the mental disorder and the drug use, and the comparison of the opinions on the criminal responsibility, the authors analyzed the problems about the diagnosis and criminal responsibility assessment of the offenders with drug-induced mental disorders and the countermeasures here put forward.

Keywords: forensic psychiatry; drug-induced mental disorder; criminal responsibility









赵琳琳,翟仙敦,郑 哲,李永林,莫耀南

(河南科技大学 法医学院,河南 洛阳 471003


摘 要: 法医昆虫学中研究与应用最多的是嗜尸性蝇类,其种群随死亡时间的变化呈现出不同的生长发育和群落演替规律,对死亡时间推断具有重要意义。嗜尸性蝇类种属的准确鉴定是推断死亡时间的关键,但由于蝇类生长发育规律不同、形态特征相似等原因,仅用传统的形态学方法鉴定其种属往往比较困难。分子生物学的快速发展为嗜尸性蝇类种属鉴定提供了新的途径,本文根据国内相关记录和研究,对进行过分子鉴定的蝇种、地区及采用的分子标记进行综述,以期完善我国嗜尸性蝇类种属鉴定的研究,促进法医昆虫学的发展和应用。

关键词: 法医昆虫学;嗜尸性蝇类;分子鉴定;死亡时间

中图分类号: DF795.4  文献标志码:A  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2072.2018.03.005

文章编号: 1671-2072-201803-0039-06


Recent Advance in Molecular Identification of Necrophagous Flies in China

ZHAO Lin-lin, ZHAI Xian-dun, ZHENG Zhe, LI Yong-lin, MO Yao-nan

School of Forensic Medicine, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471003, China

Abstract: Necrophagous flies are one of the most widely used and studied species in forensic entomology. On corpse